In this article I open my heart to you and I tell you why my name is Leventneuf, what is my mission in the world, who inspires me day by day, where I find my strength and why 29 is a very important number for me.
In the dialogue below I am LVN (LeVentNeuf).
LVN: Hello Saint Michael the Archangel, today is September 29, 2022 and it is your day, for this reason today I am inaugurating my website leventneuf.com because you showed me the way exactly one year ago and I am infinitely grateful.
Saint Michael the Archangel looks at me and smiles.
LVN: I am writing this article and I am crying, I cannot hold back the emotion deriving from addressing you directly and publicly thanking you for all that you are doing in my life and in the world.
I know I’m an infinitesimal dot in the Universe, I know the road will be long and tiring, I know there will be obstacles and difficulties to face but I’m ready if you’ll help me like you always did. Thank you Saint Michael the Archangel.
Why is my name Leventneuf?
Leventneuf is the union of 3 French words: Le vent neuf.
I chose this name because it moves me, because I feel it belongs to me, because it has an important meaning for me, because it is sweet and because it connects me numerologically and emotionally to Saint Michael the Archangel.
Le vent neuf means new wind in French, plus the French pronunciation of the word ventneuf is the same as the French number 29. Two meanings therefore come together in my name: the new wind and the number 29.
Why am I close to the number 29?
As you will have understood from the incipit of this article and from the photos on this website, I am a believer and I am very devoted to St. John Paul II (I will also tell you about him) and to Saint Michael the Archangel.
Every year Saint Michael the Archangel is celebrated on two dates: 8th May and 29th September.
On September 29, 2021, the Saint Michael the Archangel showed me my way and in that day I started a beautiful and difficult journey inside me which led me to get involved every day as an artist and as a person who wants to give her contribution with love, humility, courage and patience.
This journey began on 29 September 2021 thanks to the help of Saint Michael the Archangel, on 29 January 2022 the name Leventneuf was magically born, on 29 September 2022 this website went online and on the 29th of each month there will be a good news for you.
For you, in addition to the monthly news on the 29th, every day I post new content on social networks, every week I publish a new blog article, a new youtube video and the weekly newsletter.
What is my mission in the world?
I wish the best for everyone, I wish everyone was happy, healthy and in peace! My name Leventneuf was born from the will to create and communicate positive emotions, from the will to do good and to promote improvements in the world.
To carry out my mission, among other things, I create artworks and poems with social and charitable purposes and I have joined some charitable projects because I share their values and intent.
All this is just a starting point, everything is always evolving.
I really hope to be able to do better day by day with you and for you, I put all the effort and love I’m capable of.
I am available for new collaborations and projects with social and charitable purposes, if you want to contact me, write me here.
Alone we can do little, together we can do so much… let’s unite and let’s help each other building a better world.
Who inspires me day by day?
All the people who commit themselves with courage and love to improve the lives of others and to help others, these people are you.
You give me the strength to carry on with conviction, you give me hope for a better future.
Thanks for being here.
Remember that despite our mistakes, our fears and our frailties “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change we’ve been looking for”.
I wish you all the best, a big hug and see you soon!